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ver the last 20+ years, Gordian Litigation Solutions Group, Incorporated (GLSGI) professionals have worked with federal agencies on dozens of litigation matters and have developed an in-depth understanding of how federal agencies and systems operate. We bring this experience to bear in each matter to provide the most effective and efficient litigation management and consulting services to our clients. At GLSGI, we do not have a canned product to sell our clients that will solve all of their litigation problems. Instead, we partner with attorneys and other key personnel at federal agencies to develop and implement the best solution for each issue encountered throughout the litigation lifecycle from litigation prevention efforts to post-trial support.

Our Core Principles are represented by beliefs that we have formed through our leaderships' 40 years experience managing all aspects of complex federal litigation cases and include:

  • We believe in establishing and maintaining long-term partnerships, not amassing clients
  • We believe attorneys should be free to focus on litigating, not managing the litigation processes
  • We believe that early and collaborative involvement of appropriate experts is critical to getting the most from this powerful resource
  • We believe the keys to success in complex litigation are clear communication, effective organization and strategic flexibility

Embracing these core beliefs and utilizing our in-depth experience with federal agencies allows GLSGI to develop, implement, and manage innovative litigation strategies, tailored to best suit the needs of our partners and the particular needs of each case.

Gor∙di∙an knot (gôr′dē ǝn nǒt):
• an exceedingly complicated, intractable problem insoluble by conventional means
• to cut the Gordian knot, to find an innovative, unconventional solution to a difficult problem

Gordian Knot Legend

According to legend, Gordius was named king of Phrygia (modern-day Turkey) in accordance with a prophecy of the Oracle at Delphi. Upon being made king, Gordius dedicated his chariot to the deity of the Oracle. To remind himself of his humble beginnings, he tied the chariot to a post in front of his palace with an enormous, complicated knot.

Midas, Gordius' son, took the throne, but he left no heir to rule in his stead. Once again, the people consulted the Oracle who this time told them that he who unraveled the knot tied by Gordius would be their next ruler.

Many years passed, and many men tried to untie the famous Gordian knot. None succeeded. Then one day in the winter of 333 B.C. Alexander the Great travelled to Phrygia flanked by a large army. After struggling unsuccessfully for hours to untie the knot, Alexander suddenly saw a different solution. He drew his sword and sliced the knot in half, the pieces unraveling as they fell away. The elders of Phrygia crowned Alexander king.

The phrase "cutting the Gordian knot" has thus come to denote a bold, innovative solution to a complicated problem. In the spirit of Alexander the Great, at GLSGI we provide bold, innovative solutions for our government attorney clients involved in large, complex litigation.

Gordian Litigation Solutions Group, Inc.: Litigation Management and Consulting
Litigating Smarter
1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL 32308
Office: (850) 329-6168 | Cell (850) 322-4613 | Email: jcrumpler@glsgi.com